Monday, July 19, 2010

Why isn't anyone awake to talk at 4am?

Yes, it is 4am. And yes, I'm at work, but on nights like this (nights some of you may describe using the S word that we don't say around here) my mind has been racing all over the place.
Here we are pretty much 2 weeks away from a new lease season in Oxford, and I still haven't made up my mind about what I really want to do.
I've been telling myself I'm tired of this town. Ready to go somewhere bigger.
I want to go to Memphis. So I thought. I've asked around and tried to find a roommate, because I do NOT want to move to Memphis by myself. No Luck.
Yes, I am tired of Oxford. Yes, I believe I have outgrown most of the entertainment in this town. However, I don't have a clear cut smart plan to move to Memphis yet.
Did I mention my lease runs out in two weeks?
I love the condo I live in now. Absolutely love it.
Wouldn't mind living there for the next five years or so, BUT it has some draw backs.
It's 4 bedrooms... a little too big for a single nurse working nights.
$1400... a little too expensive for a single nurse working nights.
I've been stressing over the current situation all night tonight.
Purusing the internet for available properties in Oxford.
(Sidenote-- Oxford really needs to do a better job of making their rental properties in town more readily searchable online).
But I just can't make myself agree to commit to another 12 month lease in Oxford. Ideally, month-to-month is what I'm looking for, but seriously, who am I kidding?
The next best option would be a lease expiring in December. It isn't my favorite option, but it would be better than nothing.
Then comes the issue of roommates.
One? Two?
Students? Non-students?
Is anyone else in this town crazy enough to wait as late as I have to figure out their living arrangements??
I have a great friend who has offered me a very reasonably priced room on a month to month basis. Ideal, right?
Only issue...pets.
Don't get me wrong, I love animals, but sharing a house with 4 people and 4 cats may not work best for me because I am pretty sure I have allergies.
To cats, not people.
Well, most people.
This post is probably not legitimately benefiting anyone's reading list, but I needed to vent.
It's 4 am.
I've been worrying about this all night.
All normal people are asleep.
Including my sister and all of the real estate agents I would like to be contacting.
Less than 2 weeks to figure this out.
I may have to start getting allergy shots, but at least I won't be homeless.

1 comment:

  1. just don't rush into any decision. you can always change your mind, even if you've signed something. there are always ways out. and just do what makes YOU happy. love you.
